
Saturday, June 29, 2013

The ALN-TTR02 Phase II Results...Abstract Today, Presentation Tomorrow

The abstracts for the Peripheral Nerve Society Meeting in France have been published.  The abstract on ALN-TTR02 does not reveal the results, but I post them anyway as a warm-up for tomorrow.  You can notice though that there is a relative shift towards the once-every-3-week regimen and the dose escalation started at the same point as the phase I study did (0.01mg/kg).  Check back for more tomorrow.


Adams D1, Coelho T 2, Suhr O3, Conceicao I4, Waddington-Cruz M5, Schmidt H 6, Campistol J7, Pouget J8, Buades J9, Falzone R10, Harrop J10, De Frutos R10, But- ler J10, Cehelsky J10, Nochur S10, Vaishnaw A10, Gollob J10. 1Centre Paris-Sud, APHP, Hopital de Bicetre, INSERM U788, Service de Neurologie, and Centre de Reference des Neuropathies Amyloides Familiales Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France; 2Unidade Clinica de Paramiloidose, Hospital de Santo Antonio, Porto, Portugal; 3Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umea University, Umea, Sweden; 4Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte-Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon, Por- tugal; 5Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil; 6TheUniversityHospitalofM¨unster,M¨unster, Germany; 7Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain; 8Centre de Ref- erencedesMaladiesNaueromusculairesetdelaSLA,Hopital de la Timone, Marseille, France; 9Hospital Son Llatzer, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 10) Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a fatal, autosomal dominant, multi-system disease caused by abnormal tissue deposition of mutant and wild-type transthyretin (TTR). Almost all circulating TTR is synthesized by hepatocytes, and in FAP this liver-derived TTR is responsible for amyloid accumulation in the main target organs, including peripheral nerves, gastrointestinal tract and heart. Treatment approaches have focused on reduction of amyloidogenic TTR monomer either through elimination of hepatic production of mutant TTR (liver transplantation) or stabilization of the TTR tetramer (tafamidis). While both of these approaches have been shown to slow neuropathy progression in a limited subset of FAP patients with the V30M mutation and early disease, there remains a significant unmet need for new therapies that can impact FAP patients with different TTR mutations across a broader range of disease severity. ALN-TTR02 is a systemically administered lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation of a small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting wild-type and all mutant forms of TTR. This formulation predominantly delivers the siRNA to the liver, thereby inhibiting synthesis of TTR at the primary site of production. In non-human primates, repetitive dosing with ALN-TTR02 every 3–4 weeks at doses up to 0.3 mg/kg resulted in an average relative TTR suppression of up to 90% with no tachyphylaxis of the pharmacodynamic effect. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, Phase I dose-escalation trial in healthy volunteers, a single intravenous infusion of ALN-TTR02 administered over 60 minutes was shown to be safe and well-tolerated, and potently suppressed serum TTR levels by 82-94% at doses of 0.15–0.5 mg/kg. TTR reduction of up to 67% was observed out to 28 days post- dose, suggesting that sustained TTR knockdown could be achieved with a monthly dosing schedule. Based on these promising results, a multi-national Phase II trial of ALN-TTR02 in FAP patients was initiated in mid-2012 to evaluate the safety/tolerability and pharmacodynamic effect of multiple doses of ALN-TTR02. Patients receive two doses of ALN- TTR02 administered every 3–4 weeks at dose levels ranging from 0.01 to 0.3 mg/kg, with a total anticipated enrollment of approximately 27 patients. In this presentation, we will provide an update on the results of this ongoing clinical trial.

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