Disease (HD) is one of the most prevalent severe, ultimately fatal genetic neurological
diseases of our times for which impactful treatments are desperately lacking.
Based on results from a clinical study aiming
to knockdown the disease-causing gene using RNaseH antisense technology, this is about to change over the next 3 years.
IONIS-HTTRx study results presented at CHDI
At the major annual HD gathering this week,
lead investigator Tabrizi from the University College London presented data from a phase I-II study of antisense drug
candidate IONIS-HTTRx in patients with early symptoms of the disease.
IONIS-HTTRx (aka RG6042),
developed by Ionis and partnered with Roche, targets both wild-type
and mutant huntingtin protein to provide all patients with the most potent and safest
sequence possible. While mutant
allele-specific approaches have been discussed and are being pursued by antisense rival Wave Life Sciences, the concern that suppressing
wildtype huntingtin in adults seems to me a far-fetched theoretical discussion, if not wishful thinking given
that antisense is unlikely to completely eliminate wildtype huntingtin and that
the drug is being given to adults.
Call me cynical, but the choice of an allele-specific approach by Wave Life Sciences has likely been primarily motivated by allowing for some follower differentiation. Ironically, by limiting themselves to a much reduced sequence space around co-segregating single nucleotide polymorphisms, the sequences may not only lack the potency, but also the apparent safety of IONS-HTTRx.
Good safety profile maintained until highest dose tested
In this study, IONIS-HTTRx was given monthly over 3 months. Speaking to the safety of the approach, apart
from transient side effects due to the intrathecal mode of administration, no
adverse events of note were reported and all 46 subjects have subsequently rolled over into
the open-label extension study.
doses as high as 120mg monthly were well tolerated at which dose the knockdown effect seems
to have plateaued. This not only bodes
well for IONIS-HTTRx, but for the entire neurological disease franchise of
Ionis Pharmaceuticals.
The human
safety and tolerability results are consistent with a range of small and large
animal models (including dogs, pigs, non-human primates), some of which were a
year or longer in duration.
Robust huntingtin lowering
It is widely thought that mutant huntingtin protein is harmful to the cell expressing it, ultimately resulting in neuronal death throughout the brain. This can be visualized by considerable, 30%-level atrophy of the brain over the course of the disease.
Although it is not
possible to assess huntingtin levels directly in brain tissue in humans from biopsies, the experience in the preclinical animal models and human data
from spinal muscular atrophy drug SPINRAZA allows one to model the correlation
between ASO-dependent protein changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the various areas
of the CNS quite well.
based on chemistry that is highly similar to that of IONIS-HTTRx, they behave identically in
terms of biodistribution for all intents and purposes.
In the two highest cohorts, 90mg and 120mg, mean 40% mutant huntingtin reductions in the CSF were observed shortly after the last dose with further reductions (50%+) seen thereafter. Such levels are predicted to reflect 55 to up
to 85% reductions in the cortex and 20-50% in the caudate.
This degree
of knockdown exceeds that necessary to see changes in HD animal models, some of which with manifest disease symptoms at treatment onset.
The future is bright
The study results therefore raise hopes that IONIS-HTTRx may halt or even reverse disease in manifest HD patients. As exciting and medically likely with the biggest bang for the buck is the prospect that the drug candidate may prevent disease symptoms to emerge in the first place when given early to those at risk of developing the disease (~1 in 2 with a parent having HD, 200,000 in the US alone).
companies and clinical investigators are now busy designing a pivotal outcomes
study which I would guess will ultimately involve 150-250 early-stage patients over a period of
16-24 months. The size and extent of the trial will depend on which endpoints are chosen. A pre-planned interim look at ~12 months may also make sense to look at brain size as a potential way to obtain accelerated approval. Accelerated approval under the new FDA may also be possible based on functional analyses the investigators are currently conducting using data from the present study and the open-label extension with dosing well beyond 3 months..
In drug
development, sometimes you can tell early on whether a drug candidate is destined to breeze through to approval. In this regard, IONIS-HTTRx certainly feels
like Spinraza.